

Paige offers brand and design consulting that helps business owners through the process of developing their online image. If you've started or are thinking of taking on developing a logo, website and social media presence and need someone to either take the reigns or guide you during the process, Paige can help from start to finish.  

Fill out the form below and let's chat about your needs. 


Concept. Collaboration. Completion. 

Understanding the purpose of your materials and your goals is an important part of the design process. Having an experienced designer on your project ensures finished products are beautiful and effective. 

Whether it's a marketing package, corporate report, social media content or a magazine you can be confident that your materials will be delivered on budget and on time.


Videos are one of the more current and effective ways to communicate your business, project or cause to your audience and grow your online presence. Creating eye-catching graphics combined with video clips has a proven track record of keeping your audience engaged and informed. 

Having someone with an art direction and design background to create your visuals and bring your message to life in a sleek, sophisticated way can help build your following.  


Paige has a knack for taking candid shots of intimate moments, whether that be at an event or portraits or of nature. She has an eye for capturing life and the world around us. Being an art director and stylist, she is keenly aware of the setting and can bring her creative eye beyond just the subject to masterfully create an environment within her frame. 

Visual Art

Paige specializes in digital collage, where she seamlessly blends multiple layers of photography and art to create captivating imagery. Recently having completed 11 works of art for an extensive, collaborative music project, Paige demonstrates a keen ability to create artwork that tells a story. Whether for a book cover, album art or something more personal, Paige can create something visual for any project. 

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